Sunday, February 19, 2012


As I child, I loved to read. I remember ever summer I would trek to the library every week and check out 25 books for the summer reading club. It was nice since  the library was just a hop and a skip away from my childhood home. As a child, I had severe hayfever and was allergic to corn silks. My eyes would literally be  matted shut where I would have to sit with a washcloth on my eyes.  I got my love of reading from my beautiful mother.  She loved to read as well and when she lost her eyesight it was a shame because that was her favorite past time. Books were a huge part of my growing up years.

To this day, I still love to read. I have my own Kindle thanks to a generous friend who I have yet to figure out sent it to me for my birthday. I have over 93 books on their already. I love the Kindle because it gives me a huge library to choose from when I can not make it to the library or want more than one book to read.

It saddens me though that there is not enough parents out there in society who are willing to instill the love of reading in their kids. We are a society that is too technological sometimes. This is why we have a huge problem with reading today. Its sad that teachers have to spend so much time try to get kids up to speed in reading which takes away from other subjects being learned. I was shocked when I was subbing how little time the teachers have to spend on Math, Science and History because they have to take up so much time teaching kids how to read.

I urge parents to take the time to read to and teach your kids how to read and instill in them the joy of reading. Reading is such a joy and I do not know what I would do without my books and love of reading today.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

February 3, 2008 A day I will never forget..

On February 3, 2008, I lost my best friend, my confidant, my supporter and biggest cheerleader. I lost someone who loved me unconditionally no matter the mistakes I made. I lost my mom. As it gets closer to the anniversary of her death the more I think about her. And with that thinking comes all the thoughts that seem to make me sad and wonder why she put up with me.  

I keep asking myself was I a good daughter. Was there more I could have done the weekend she passed away? Why didn't I call her the two times I felt God prompting me to check on her. I know deep down that there was nothing I could do to prevent her from passing away. I also know that she is in a much better place and is once again whole and not in pain or suffering. 

I realize now that I have been stuck in a place where I blamed myself for not doing more to prevent my mom's death. Even if I had called her those two times would there really had been anything I could have done. I believe God was calling my mom home to be with him. Her body was tired and she had been through so much healthwise. 

As the February 3rd comes closer, I choose to cherish the memories of my mom and am thankful that she is no longer in pain and is watching down over me.  If you knew my mom I would love it if you would be willing to share a memory you have had with her. 


I have been thinking alot lately about different things. About how short life is and how sometimes as humans we dwell on our past when we should only be thinking about today and the future. How sometimes the things that we think about that are huge in our life are really not as big as we think they are.  The purpose of my blog is to examine the things that have been weighing in my thoughts the past few days. To look at things in a different perspective that will challenge and inspire people to examine their own life and to offer insights that we may have not thought about before.